The Winners
UEFA Europa League Final 8 Challenge

Winner 1st Prize – Giuseppe
Signed Official Team Shirt, UEFA Europa League Official Match Ball & 65″ Smart TV (including 1 year UEFA Europa League broadcast)
So far, the proximity to the venue of a big match or direct encounters with international football stars were key features of our spectacular prizes. Due to the current Covid-19 situation, this year’s competition required a different but no less special approach: Since the fans were not allowed into the stadium, Hankook decided to simply bring the UEFA Europa League to their homes.
16 lucky winners were able to enjoy signed shirts of their football heroes and Official Match Balls. One winner was particularly lucky: Giuseppe from Reutlingen is now the proud owner of a signed shirt of the champion Sevilla FC, an UEFA Europa League Official Match Ball and a 65″ Smart TV including 1 year of UEFA Europa League broadcast.
Hankook brought the prizes – and thus a piece of the UEFA Europa League Final – to his doorstep, where the team was warmly welcomed by the whole family.

Winner Giuseppe
“I only came across the competition by chance via Instagram… But then the 1st Prize became the highlight of my holiday!”
Symphony of Silence
Official UEFA Europa League Anthem performed by David Garrett
“The UEFA Europa League Final is one of the biggest sports events in the world, played every year in front of millions of fans in the stadium and in front of the television… “, said UEFA marketing director Guy-Laurent Epstein. This year, the event faced its biggest challenge yet: due to Covid-19, the Final had to be played in an empty stadium.
In search of a way to express these missing emotions, we decided, together with UEFA, to collaborate with an exceptional artist who can create emotive sounds and moods like no other: David Garrett reinterpreted the UEFA Europa League Anthem and gave it the name “Symphony of Silence”.
“As a long-time partner of the UEFA Europa League, Hankook is delighted to create and share this emotional moment with all fans in the run-up to the Final. It shows that we understand what it is like not to be able to physically be there to support your team,” said Sanghoon Lee, President of Hankook Tire Europe.